Форум сайта 'Исторические Пуговицы'
http://www.pugoviza.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl Пуговицы >> Пуговицы. For English Speaking Users >> Button for ID http://www.pugoviza.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1162567389 Сообщение написано yupiter 03.11.2006 :: 19:23:09 |
Заголовок: Button for ID Создано yupiter 03.11.2006 :: 19:23:09 Please indentify my button attached in the following photo. I can't find them in the galery. There are a lot of similar buttons, but I don't find the same one. http://www.yupiter.photosite.com/~photos/tn/721_1024.ts1162480944000.jpg Best regards yp Poland |
Заголовок: Re: Button for ID Создано yupiter 04.11.2006 :: 14:08:52 The admin suggests, it is a button 1829 – 1862, but I think it isn’t. ??? Over the two axes on my button there is a flame, and an the button, the admin said, there is a number of the battalion (number “1”). That’s why I think its another one. Regards yp |
Заголовок: Re: Button for ID Создано Forum Admin 04.11.2006 :: 14:39:16 i tray again :) http://www.pugoviza.ru/files/class_butt_cat.shtml?d=1&n=sapr&fn=sapr http://www.pugoviza.ru/files/images/cl_bt/sapr/b_cb1_0.jpg |
Заголовок: Re: Button for ID Создано ger 04.11.2006 :: 14:54:41 a grenade or a number under axes - 1829 - 1862. admin is right. in 1907 -1917 such buttons was with another image. http://www.pugoviza.ru/files/images/cl_bt/sapr/cb0_3.jpg |
Заголовок: Re: Button for ID Создано yupiter 06.11.2006 :: 11:52:11 Ok. My button looks like this one (1829 - 1862) but the details are a little bit different. For example the handles of the axes. They are not so dick. And the form of the axe ist a little bit different too. But ok. The reason con be the other factory, where was made the button. REGARDS YP |
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