Форум сайта 'Исторические Пуговицы'
http://www.pugoviza.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl Пуговицы >> Пуговицы. For English Speaking Users >> Button-ID http://www.pugoviza.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1178141136 Сообщение написано Fiodor 03.05.2007 :: 01:25:36 |
Заголовок: Button-ID Создано Fiodor 03.05.2007 :: 01:25:36 Hello, I'd like to find out of this button. Is this firefighter's button? Thanks a lot. Regards! http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/4563/img1377sk7.jpg |
Заголовок: Re: Button-ID Создано Fiodor 03.05.2007 :: 01:26:29 http://img371.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img1377sk7.jpg |
Заголовок: Re: Button-ID Создано ger 04.05.2007 :: 00:26:56 It goes without saying, by the style this is Russian button. And surely any of fire society, but not emperor. How about showing it's backmark? |
Заголовок: Re: Button-ID Создано Fiodor 05.05.2007 :: 01:43:32 I've found out that this button was made only for firefighters of Сувалкской губернии (Poland), this kind of button was made between 1880 - 1883. I can't see any signs on the other side but i found out that these buttons were made by brother's Вундер factory. I can understend ritten Russian so if the answer is easier for you rite in your own language. Regards |
Заголовок: Re: Button-ID Создано Fiodor 26.04.2008 :: 17:25:57 Это вторая пожарная пуговица, подписи- Бр. Вундеръ, 2 Сортъ, С. Петербургъ также найдённый в Сувалках. http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/4016/img2322zo3.jpg http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/7537/img2324bt2.jpg |
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